Sunday 31 July 2011

How a male seahorse gives birth!

Since we now know what happens during courtship, let us take it a step further and observe the types of symptoms or changes occuring during birth! :) Here is an interesting video which clearly highlights how a male seahorse gives birth! So, sit back, relax and enjoy!

At the time of birth, the brooding pouch extends and the male undergoes a period of muscular contractions where he bends forward and backward.  After a short period of time, usually about ten minutes or so, the baby seahorses will be released into the water, looking like miniature versions of their parents, at which point they are basically on their own.  Infant mortality in the seahorse world is extremely high with very few living long enough to mature and mate on their own, contributing to their growing risk for extinction.  Those that do survive can expect a life span between four and six years.

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